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Cellular Build Research Update

by Patricia Keplinger RN BSN and Chris Ritchason

Nucleotides may work with STRESS and Candida, too!

NSP's Nucleotide formula
NSP stock # 1400-3

“The future of medicine should be very exciting with the great potential that DNA and RNA therapies have to [potentially] cure the ravages of our current era (Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, autism, infectious diseases and many chronic diseases) in a safe manner (1).”
                                                                                                                       ~Dr. James Howenstine, MD

Cellular Build is an amazing DNA/RNA product from Nature’s Sunshine that often gets overlooked!  Much new research is available today that was not published when the product was launched back in 2004.
The Nucleotide and Candida Connection
After attending the new class written and taught by Laurence Smith, “Is Candida Sabotaging Your Health?”, it occurred to us that the Cellular Build could possibly be a great addition to the Candida program as well.  It is written that “Nucleotides are an essential part of a healthy immune system, because they have been shown to support [many parts o f the body including]…aiding resistance to infectious agents such as…Candida albicans(2).”
Is your stress level unbearable?
In addition to being effective for boosting the immune system, research also shows that the dietary supplementation of nucleotides assists in decreasing one’s cortisol level (the stress hormone).  It is common knowledge that “high levels of cortisol have been shown to impede the effectiveness of disease fighting cells(3).” 
There are many great NSP products available for stress....but, have you ever thought about trying Cellular Build for stress?  We hadn't either.  Conceptually, it makes sense that if your body does not have to work as hard to rebuild damaged tissues, it would not be as stressed!  In addition to being effective for boosting the immune system, research also shows that the dietary supplementation of nucleotides assists in decreasing one’s cortisol level (the stress hormone).  It is common knowledge that “high levels of cortisol have been shown to impede the effectiveness of disease fighting cells(4).” 
Increased Athletic Performance
There is a great deal of new research related to stress and exercise that was not available when this product was launched in 2004.  Lars McNaughton, Head of the department of Sport, Health and Exercise Science at the University of Hull in England, along with a team of researchers, conducted a study to determine whether consuming dietary nucleotides had any effect on endurance athletes, "...found significant differences in the two markers between the control and the experimental groups...this work suggests that a dietary nucleotide supplement may offset the hormonal response associated with demanding endurance activity(5)."
Enhanced Immunity
There continues to be new information available which supports the concept "...that nucleotide supplementation strengthens the immune system, leading to fewer colds and upper respiratory infections, and that it lowers the hormonal reaction to stress...and thus to lessen tissue damage, which in turn permits faster recovery(6)."  Research shows that nucleotide supplementation "...had beneficial effects especially when the nutrition supply was inadequate(7)."
To put it in less technical terms, “…nucleotides help to boost the immune system by speeding up the process of creating new defense cells, which are essential for the body to fight infections (8).”
But, What are NUCLEOTIDES anyway?
In 1953, scientists James Watson and Francis Crick first described the "double helix" pattern of DNA which has opened the door for the genetic understanding that individuals are afforded now. Over the past 50 years scientists have evolved in their knowledge of the genetic code and it is now understood that "the blueprint for a living organism is encoded into its DNA or RNA (the two types of nucleic acids) and is passed on from generation to generation(9)."


Nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA.  In all actuality, they are the molecules that hold the DNA molecule together.  Nucleotides are perhaps the most fundamental and important constituents of the living cell. Nucleotides are molecules that are found everywhere in the cells of all living organisms.  They are a part of almost all functions of the cell whether alone or in conjunction with other molecules. “Both the DNA and RNA are large molecules created from smaller particles called nucleotides which are put together in specific coded sequences...(10).” Nucleotides play an important part in structural, energetic, and regulatory functions of the body.
Positive Effects of Nucleotide Supplementation on the Body
In an article entitled "The Importance of Nucleotides," Margaret Wissman DVM, DABVP, discussed that there are many positive effects that a diet supplemented with nucleotides might have on the body.  These benefits include:  increased resistance to challenge to bacterial and viral infections; acceleration of antibody production; increase in white blood cells called neutrophils; increase in the number  of macrophages; reversal of malnutrition and starvation-induced immunosuppression; increase in NK (natural killer) cell activity and interleukin-2 production; increase of plasma HDL cholesterol [the good cholesterol]; decrease in the concentration of LDL cholesterol [the bad cholesterol]; faster recovery of the liver after injury; positive effects on the intestines [and intestinal flora]; intestinal repair after diarrhea; as well as positive effects of recovery from stress(11).  According to Dr. Wissman, there are scientific studies to demonstrate all of these positive effects. 
Life Science Magazine discussed that even though it is known that DNA molecules are linked to the Genetic Code, mistakes do happen!  It is written that some things that can cause damage in the DNA replication process include:  high-energy radiation from x-rays and ultraviolet radiation, asbestos, and cigarette smoking.  There are a vast array of situation s that could possibly cause damage to one’s DNA replication process and looking at possible supplementation with dietary Nucleotides, as in NSP’s Cellular Build, is imperative.  
Persons who might benefit from taking Cellular Build
There are a many types of situations that could possibly benefit from supplementation with a nucleotide-based product which might include:  major injury; widespread infection and resistant fungal infection; periods of rapid growth such as infancy and adolescence; impaired liver function; stress; surgery; improved athletic performance; prevention of disease; proper functioning of the immune system; neurodegenerative disorders; age associated mental functioning; wound healing; lipid metabolism; extensive burns; blood clotting problems; and  periods of nutritional stress.

Persons who SHOULD NOT supplement their diet with nucleotides might include:  those with gout or other conditions with an elevated uric acid level and those who have had an organ transplant.
Other ingredients in Cellular Build:
Cellular Build not only contains nucleotides, but milk thistle, astragalas, and FOS (fructo-ooligosaccharides) as well.

The idea that nucleotides, the building block of all living organisms, are available in capsule form as a natural health supplement remains a revolutionary concept...and it just might be the "magic bullet" in your arsenal that you have been missing!
This revolutionary combination creates a synergistic effect that is unsurpassed by any nucleotide-based supplement on the market…Try NSP’s Cellular Build Today!
Works Cited:
1. Retrieved from
2. Retrieved from
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
6. Retrieved November 28, 2007 from:
7. Ibid.
8. Retrieved from
10. Retrieved from
11. Retrieved from

Categories Nervous System, Other, Stress
