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Parasites, Worms, Giardia - How to be a Bad Host

This subject is going to appeal to your inner 12-year-old, the one who tries to win at gross-out contests. There is plenty of material here on the subject of parasites. But a serious subject it is and that is because rough estimates are that 85% and possibly up to 95% of the world’s human population hosts them. Some parasites feasting off of you are not harmful, but most of the over 100 types that are hosted by the human body can alter how you feel. This can range from just feeling lousy to being diagnosed with a brain tumor that upon surgery was found to be a worm munching it’s way around upstairs. So if you have any of the following, you might consider the possibility that there are culprits causing these symptoms. And those culprits would likely be parasites.
Acne, Allergies, Anemia, Asthma, Bad Breath/Bad Taste in Mouth, Cancer, Chronic Fatigue, Constipation, Dark under-eye circles, Diabetes, Diarrhea, Depressed Immune Function, Epilepsy, Excessive hunger, Flu symptoms, Gas & Bloating, Granuiomas, Grinding Teeth at Night, Heart Disease, Immune Dysfunction, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Joint Muscle Aches & Pains, Migraines, Nervousness, Reddened Eyes, Skin Conditions, Sleep Disturbances, Weight Gain or Loss.
Do you know anybody who doesn’t have at least one of these conditions? Most experts suggest that it is best to address this situation annually, or even biannually, especially if any of the causative factors put you at risk. These parasites are incredibly prolific. They intend to be fruitful and multiply like crazy. For parasites, natural remedies have been found to be the most highly effective treatment, although you may have to be fairly tenacious about treating, especially if you have a severe case. Pharmaceuticals are effective only for a specific type of parasite or location in the body and they can cause fairly severe side effects while not zeroing in on the target.
Some of the parasites that love the human host, namely nematodes or worms and protozoan (including amoeba) are common and can be found in the air, in water, in food, and in the soil. This is not simply a third world problem, this is an epidemic even in the USA. Parasites are everywhere and it’s easy for them to get into the body. From walking barefoot in warm moist soil, some can and do burrow through the soles of the feet. Parasites vary in size from microscopic, like giardia, the most prevalent intestinal parasite found in water, to tapeworms which can grow up to 35-feet long.
Worms, because they are visible to the naked eye, are the most revolting. Roundworms look similar to earthworms and can produce up to 200,000 eggs daily. This is the most common type of worm and adults grow to 15 inches long. Hookworms penetrate the skin. Young worms use their teeth to burrow through the intestinal wall and feed on blood, leading to numerous symptoms. Pinworms infect up to one in five children. Female worms crawl out of the anus and lay 15,000 eggs per day. Air born eggs can survive up to 2 days anywhere in the environment. Tapeworms, the largest worm can live up to 10 years, staying put by using the hooks and suction cups on their heads. Each segment of their body contains eggs including a complete set of male and female reproductive units and they lay up to a million eggs each day. Flukes or flatworms infect more than 250 million people worldwide. They live in the bladder, blood, liver, lung, kidneys and intestine.
Although they are the creepiest, worms are not the most dangerous. Some of the protozoan, microscopic parasite types, are the deadliest, like malaria, which claims 2 million people annually. Toxoplasmosis gained fame when it was flagged as a warning, successfully releasing pregnant women from kitty litter box duty due to the risk of contracting this parasite and jeopardizing their pregnancy. Also dangerous are, giardia, trichomonas vaginalis, residing where it sounds and in the prostate of males, and amebiasis, the most common infection causing ulcers or abscesses where they enter the body and can eventually reach the brain or liver.
Parasites can infest just about any part of the human body including the blood, brain, digestive tract, respiratory tract, feet or hands, genitals, liver, muscles, nose/sinuses. Where? You name it and the answer is probably yes. The parasites most common in humans drain us of nutrients. They mate and reproduce within us secreting and excreting, releasing toxins causing a variety of health problems. If someone is already health-compromised, the immune system is affected and infection can take a hard toll on overall health.
Children and adults can contract parasites from common personal contact with an infected person, like shaking hands or kissing. Petting or handling animals is a prevalent source of contraction, as is drinking contaminated water, eating raw or improperly cooked meat, fish, or poultry, and eating unwashed fruits or vegetables. A high carbohydrate, low protein and high alkaline diet has been found to worsen parasitic infection as does sugar consumption.
While swimming in rivers, lakes, ponds, or public swimming pools avoid ingesting water and do not swim with cuts or open sores on the body. Wash food thoroughly, especially if consuming it raw and WASH YOUR HANDS OFTEN, especially after handling animals or touching common items in public places, like shopping cart handles and library drop boxes. Keep your fingernails short and clean. Parasites can live underneath the nails for up to 2 months. De-worm your pets regularly. The most often recommended human protocol is to do an annual parasite cleanse simultaneously with a colon cleanse. Follow by cleansing the kidneys and then finally the liver. Cleansing once a year will keep your body healthy, symptom free and give you the best chance of avoiding certain diseases. The effective and complete Nature’s Sunshine Product to enhance this process, is Paw Paw Para-Cleanse, a 10-day program designed to support the efforts of the intestinal system in cleansing. Additional products that may help with personal situations are:  Herbal Pumpkin, Black Walnut, Garlic, Artemisia Combination and Homeopathic Parasite formula.  These may help to discourage the bloodsuckers from staying and can be effective products to use with your annual cleanse.
Finally, we have an informative video for you about parasites.  This video is from Fox News and due to the subject matter, viewer discretion is advised.  Please click the image below to view this video.

Categories Intestinal System, Parasites, Worms
