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Reflections…Part 1

by Aneela Alamgir

It has been eight months since my life dramatically changed. I graduated from college, I moved back home, the New Year began, and I set lofty resolutions for 2012. With eagerness, I began my exploration into my Self. What a gift it is to be able to know Who I Am. To live a conscious life, with awareness of thoughts and feelings, is a continuous process. There are days when I am aware of being aware and there are days of deep sleep.

One of the resolutions that I set in the beginning of the year was to be a loving person. The world of academia in which  I grew up, that of critical thinking, left no room for love. I had become a  machine who knew how to say the “right” words to everyone, but felt nothing. However, my Self felt the void and decided it was time to change.

Yoga and its community became a pivotal part of my change. The love that surrounds this Way of life brings people from all walks of life together. It was through observation, interaction, and conversations with others that helped shift my perception of Who I Am and Who I will to Be. I built a new thought system with the help of A Course of Miracles and Yoga asanas. They provided a Way towards total mind and body unity that solidified the new thought patterns. Today, I feel the gifts of compassion, love and joy, which I give freely to others.

In three days, I will begin another journey—medical school. I see medical school as an opportunity to practice what I preach. It is an opportunity to learn and grow in many ways both expected and unexpected. With awareness, I take the lessons that I’ve learned about love and compassion so that I may apply them to the rigor of medical academia. Most importantly, I’ve learned that the way to healing is through Love. What an important gift to give especially when dealing with people who suffer from merely the lack of breath.

The theme for the next four years of medical school is: to give. By giving to others, we receive. As I gear up for this adventure, I take my strengths that I have developed—confidence, love, peace—and bring it to others. Sharing my joy and happiness with others is equally as important as having it within. I encourage you to reflect on the year and see how you have grown. Are you content with the changes within? Are you extending your strengths without? If so, hooray! If not, keep trying, there is still time!

With love. 


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