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About Us

Rising Sun Yoga is a center where we introduce you, each and every time, to the essence of yoga...harmony, balance, and peace. We invite you to take a class as we have outstanding teachers who enjoy what they do. It's apparent in their approach.

Teachers who know about life, hardships and troubles, playing and enjoyment who have experienced enough of this and enough of that to teach others a helpful way.

Whatever it is you are looking for, from body toning to weight loss, strengthening to lengthening, calming to awakening, or relaxing and breathing to invigorating practices, you will find a method and a teacher that suits you.

Everyone does yoga these days...from across religions and belief systems, age groups and professions, and social and economic paths...this is a practice that helps you on yours. So, come and see what we offer.

Here are a few reasons why so many practice yoga:

  • to Reduce Stress and Anxiety
  • Boost Energy
  • Improve Flexibility
  • Lose Weight
  • Tone the Body
  • to Hang Around Those of Like Mind
  • to Feel A Sense of Community and
  • to Just Get Healthy Again!

We believe our physical body holds the emotions of our past, and that learning the various poses and breathing techniques allows us to understand our selves better, the connection between body and mind, and how to liberate our selves.

On the yoga mat, we remind everyone that yoga is a willingness to be aware of all parts of ourselves-- the light and the dark, the full rainbow of sensation, perception, emotion, and thought. We teach that saying yes to life means to openly sense and know each moment fully without pre-judging it. We allow ourselves to open our hearts with love to the present moment without clinging or pushing, to be in the flow feeling the moment fully.

We teach to take that which we have learned on the mat and apply it to our daily lives. In so doing, our smile lasts longer and affects others along the way.