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Ayurvedic Remedies

Heavy Menses - use Neem and Shatavari

To increase sexual energy and promote sleep - Ashwaganda

Raynoud's Syndrome - use 1 part Trikata and 2 parts Arjun  2-3x daily

To Open Bronchii and Reduce Phlegm - take 7 black peppercorns with honey for breakfast

Recipe to Lengthen Tendons & Ligaments - heat to just prior to boiling the following: 1/2 cu water, 1/2 cu almond milk, 1/2 tspn turmeric, 1 T ghee, 1/4 tspn cardamon, pinch saffron, and either (1/4 tspn cinnamon & 1/4 tspn ginger in colder months) or (licorice in warm months).

To Remove Foreign Tissue (i.e., malignant breast tissue) - Triphala Guggulu

Vaginal Dryness - Shatavari Ghee

HPV, Cervicitis, Vaginal Mucosa - Triphala Ghee

Fungus - Myrrh, Rosemary Oil, Tea Tree, 

Theory of Tastes:

Astringents - combine the elements of earth and ether; it is contracting. Too much represses the emotions.

Bitters - combine the elements of air and ether; bitters are cooling like all green foods; good for rashes, poison ivy, poison oak, hot flashes. Too much bitters bread harshness; balanced amount leads to introspection.

Pungents - stimulates digestive and mental agni (fire)

Sours - acidic; increases discrimination and mental agni but also righteousness and judmental manner

Salts - least rejuvenative of all tastes; warming and grounding; stokes digestive agni. Small amounts increase enthusiasm; large amounts increase agitation

Sweets - buids tissues, tendons, ligaments, bones; increases emotional attachment

Categories Ayurvedic Medicine, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
