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Coffee Enema

by Michael Sutton

In a non-aluminum pot or saucepan:

  1. Add 5 cups of filtered or distilled water and
  2. 3 rounded Tbsp of organic caffeinated coffee (finely ground), not instant & not de-caffeinated
  3. Stir in the coffee to make sure all is mixed in the water, then
  4. Bring to a boil for 3 minutes (stirring occasionally)
  5. Reduce heat and cover pot or saucepan with lid on
  6. Let simmer for 15 minutes
  7. Remove from stove element and strain coffee (while still hot) through a fine metal strainer* to remove as many coffee grounds as possible
  8. Let coffee cool down to body temp (98°)
  9. Perform enema with enema bucket or bag by...
  10. Laying on right side with knees drawn up to chest during infusion and then...
  11. Remaining on right side and retaining coffee for 12 minutes or so.
  • To make the super coffee concentrate, do the following:
  •    Add 5 cups of filtered or distilled water and
  •    1 cup of organic caffeinated coffee (finely ground), not instant & not de-caffeinated
  •    follow procedures from step 3 above
  •    use 8 oz of super coffee concentrate and add water with each use
  •    store unused coffee concentrate in fridge 

Note: there may be times in which you are not able to hold the coffee in for the recommended amount of time for a number of reasons. That’s okay.  Expel the coffee and then immediately do add more until you can comfortably hold the coffee inside. (Some times, two enemas are required in one session b/c the coffee cannot be contained within). 

Upon expelling the coffee afterwards, you may find that not all the fluid is expelled. At this point, you may need to visit the bathroom multiple times. So what? That's okay. You can also begin doing bhastrika (rapid exhale, rapid inhale; google it) breathing to assist in the release. You may also find that you have absorbed some of the liquid through the walls of the intestines b/c you are de-hydrated...which will release when you urinate

* Please avoid using a paper or cloth filter to strain your coffee as it removes much more than the grounds such as the prime element of Cafestol. Use a fine metal strainer.


For best results, store your coffee in the refrigerator if not used immediately. Store for only a few days.

Categories Digestive System, Immune System, Structural System, Aches and Pains and Remedies, Cold & Flu, Health Tips, General, Cancer, Liver & Gallbladder, Dis-eases, Arthritis, Depression, Auto-Immune, Energy/Life Force/Prana, Allergies, Anti-Inflammatory, Coffee Enemas
