Cold and Flu Remedy
At the first signs of the flu or a cold, remember:
The cold is the cure. This applies to the flu and a fever too. That may sound funny if not contrary to what you have learned, but let's take the cold as an example. When a virus gets past the immune system, the body responds by trying to flush out the virus. It does so, many times, by developing excess mucus. You call it a ‘cold’. That is, the nose and sinuses become 'runny' and phlegmatic. This is the body's natural response and the method it utilizes to flush out the virus. So, whatever you do, do not take anti-histamines or anti-congestents or anti-anything. Doing so weakens the immune system’s ability to combat the virus and stops the body’s response of developing mucus and phlegm. Furthermore, the immune system regards the anti-whatever as a foreign invader and now begins to attack it…wasting valuable energy and resources as the immune system fights both the virus causing the cold and the anti-histamine/congestent.
Oh, one other note, do NOT take antibiotics. They have no affect on viruses. You’re wasting your money. Although the doctor, the pharmacist and the pharmaceutical company makes money, you’re wasting your doctor’s time, the pharmacists’ time, your time, and you’re helping to raise the cost of insurance.
Here are the steps to take when you have a cold or the flu:
- STOP eating solid foods - yes, that's right. Eating solid foods requires a tremendous amount of energy by the digestive system. Meanwhile, the immune system is doing everything it can to combat the virus causing the cold. The body needs help in the form of rest, proper nutrition and a healthy attitude. Therefore, ‘give a break’ to the digestive system and allow the immune system to do its work. Why do you think grandma gave you soup when you were sick?!
- Drink liquids – either juice your organic vegetables (buy a juicer) or buy fresh-made organic juice. Drink plenty of fluids. Do not drink sodas or coffee. Make sure the juices are NOT soda-ized. ^^
- Eliminate ALL dairy – no milk, no cheeses, no ice cream. Dairy is very clogging and congesting. The body is already clogged and congested. You do not need to add more congestion by consuming dairy products...especially pasteurized dairy.
- Enhance your immune system with herbs **
- Eat raw or roasted garlic (an herb that is an antiviral) --
- Increase Vitamin C Complex to get the bowels moving more frequently (at least 10,000 mg daily)
- Increase Vitamin D to 25,000 - 50,000 IU daily
- When you begin to regain your strength, you can begin eating solid foods SLOWLY. But, do not include proteins in your solid food program for another few days. Proteins do not digest easily thus taxing the digestive and intestinal systems.
- Perform a Nasal Wash with a Neti Pot – yep, clean out the sinuses with warm salt water by pouring the water into one nostril and allowing it to drain out via the other nostril. If you think this is gross, then consider the phlegm that is building up within the sinus cavities in the nose, the congestion that builds in your lungs, the mucus that you swallow continually that goes through your stomach, your intestines and your colon. THAT’s gross! Go to the Himalayan Institute or a health food store and buy yourself a Neti Pot.
- Remember that the symptoms of a cold or the flu are, in fact, the cure. Allow the runny nose and mucus to continue to produce within the body as production of mucus by the body is the immune system’s method of flushing the virus from you. Taking anti-histamines and other anti-this or anti-that medications only suppresses symptoms; it does not eliminate the virus.
- Ensure that the bowels are moving. If they are not moving at least once per day, then the virus will not leave very easily. A healthy body will have bowel movements with each meal!
- Perform deep diaphragmatic (yogic) breathing through the nose to enhance the immune system. Breathing thru the mouth depletes the immune system.
^^ The purpose of juicing is to provide an environment whereby the digestive system has immediate absorption of vitamins, minerals and enzymes without the strain (requiring energy) of breaking down the foods from solid to microscopic portions.
-- Roast 1 to 2 heads of garlic immediately and eat. Continue the garlic for the duration of the cold until you knock it out.
** Herbs that are helpful:
- as a general tonic against the cold and flu: Astragalus, Echinacea Purpurea, Elderberry, Garlic, Immune Stimulator, Olive Leaf, Yarrow
- for the early stages of a cold: Elderberry every 1 – 2 hours with plenty of fluids
- during the latter stages of a cold: Goldenseal when the mucus has thickened and discolored
- for aches and pains associated with a cold or flu: White Willow Bark, or Nerve Eight
- to breakup and expel mucus in the respiratory tract: Garlic, Lobelia
- to help relieve sinus drainage and pressure: Tei Fu Essential Oils or Breathe Free
- when the cold or flu involves a fever: Boneset, IF-C or Yarrow
- when there is coughing involved: ALJ or Lobelia
Note the following Recipe: every household should have this during the cold and flu season.
Equal amounts of organic:
garlic, onion (red), ginger (3 1 inch pieces), cayenne (as much as you can tolerate), and horseradish root (3 1 inch pieces or, if not available, prepared horseradish)
Place in blender. Add organic apple cider vinegar two inches above the line of herbs in the blender. Do not overfill. Blend thoroughly. Pour contents into glass container(s) with a lid. Optimally let sit for two weeks, and then pour into another glass container through a strainer. Squeeze the contents of the fibrous herbs through the strainer, but use protective gloves! If you need to use right away, then do so.
During the cold/flu season, take 1 tablespoon daily. If symptoms of the cold/flu appear, then take 1 tablespoon every hour. The cold/flu will usually disappear within two days.