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Failure is an Illusion

by Michael Sutton

This may come as a surprise, but failure is an illusion. No one ever fails at anything. Everything we do produces a result. If we are learning how to catch a ball and subsequently drop it when thrown to us, we have not failed. As importantly, we are not a failure. We simply produced a result. The real question is what we do with the result(s) we produce. Do we moan about being a failure, or do we keep playing catch until it becomes second nature? Failure is a judgment (as is success). It is just an opinion, and an opinion put forth by the ego which is competitive and comparative. Spirit, on the other hand, never judges or criticizes, competes or compares. Our opinion in being a failure from dropping an object, in this case, stems from fear, and fear is eliminated by Love. Love for our self, for others, for what we do, for Who We Are. When we have Love within us, fear cannot abide. Thus the following: Fear knocked at the door. Love answered and no one was there.

The music we hear inside of us urging us to be adventurous (take a risk) and live, really live, is an intuitive connection to out Heart, our Higher Mind, our Higher Self. We need only be enthusiastic about all that we do and approach everything with passion and heart. Enthusiasm means God (ethos) within (iasm). The passion we feel is God inside urging us to be our (Higher) Self.

Perceived risks are not risky once we look beyond the fear that is holding us back. By transcending our fears, we let Love in, even if temporarily. By giving ourself a chance to learn to catch the ball, we give our Self the gift of freedom, and we also learn to receive. How? Giving is receiving. Receiving is accepting, not getting.

When we produce a result that others laugh at, we give our self the gift of laughter. When we respect our self, stumbling (dropping the ball) allows us to laugh, and carry on. When we Love and respect our self, the disapproval of someone else matters not. The poet Rudyard Kipling stated: If we can meet triumph and disaster, and treat these two imposters just the same, ours is the earth and everything that is in it. The key word here is imposters. Imposters are not real. They exist only in the wrong mind, the ego mind.

By following our right mind, paying attention to how we feel, and playing our own unique brand of music, we will not fear anymore, and we will never experience the terror of lying on our deathbed thinking: I did not play my music! I did not do what I came here to do! That scenario will not play out because we will have learned, long ago, to let Love in and listen only to that angel sitting on our right shoulder.

The above was inspired by an article written by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Categories Ego, Fear, Love, Spirit, Enthusiasm
