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Mirror Mirror on the Wall... What can you tell me of my Health????

We can tell a lot about our health from a glance in the mirror. Do we look tired, or are we full of youthful radiance? Is it a bad hair day or is our hair turning gray? Puffy eyes, red eyes, lines or wrinkles, we all study our faces in the mirror in hopes of finding out important health information each day.

According to such ancient healing systems as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), practitioners study the appearance of your face to fully evaluate the state of your mind and body. Specifically, different parts of your face mirror the health of different organ systems. According to TCM, for example, your cheeks correlate to your lungs, your brows correspond to your liver, and your lips show the status of your digestive organs. Lines, blemishes, and color in these areas give further clues. Likewise, certain areas of your face can illustrate aspects of your personality.

Here are a couple examples of facial analysis:

Symptom: oily skin between the eyebrows, deep lines or creases either vertical or horizontal between the eyebrows, redness or rashes between the eyebrows, or itchy or tired eyes.

Facial Analysis: liver imbalance (too many toxins, chemicals or hormones that are not being broken down correctly).

Formulas to correct liver imbalance include: Digestive Enzymes to improve digestion, Blood Type Diet to minimize food allergens and Tiao He Cleanse to cleanse the liver and bowels.

Symptom: the cheeks: spots, broken capillaries, inflammation or rashes.

Facial Analysis: lung or bronchial imbalance. Consider how you breathe... do you breathe deeply from the abdomen or are you a shallow breather? Do you exercise enough to really give your lungs a work out? are you breathing polluted air and need an air purifier?

Formulas to correct lung or bronchial imbalances: Chinese Breath E-Z helps to dilate the bronchii, expel excess mucus, and enhance immune activity. It is recommended for shallow breathing, sinus congestion, and bronchitis. Mullein is a great herb that strengthens and builds the lungs, breaks up old hardened mucus, and helps with allergies.

If you find Facial Analysis interesting, you can go to this link:

What we learn from all of this is that when you look in the mirror and see changes in your face, you need to consider what is going on in your life. What changes have occurred in your health, diet, exercise program or stress levels at any given time. Let your face help guide you to when you need to pay more attention to your health.

Your Eyes window your health...

Because the iris is composed of hundreds of thousands of nerve endings which are connected by impulses to every tissue of the body, any changes in the health of your body are reflected in the eyes.

Look at the photo of the eye below; do you see the deep white lines that encircle the iris? These are called stress rings. They are formed in the eye as a reaction to tension in the sympathetic nervous system. If you see these lines in your eyes, then you will know that stress has been affecting your overall health. It indicates a need to nutritionally support your nervous system, as well as a need to make changes in how you deal with stress. Supplements like Nutri-Calm, Adrenal Support and Calcium-Magnesium all help to support this area.

Thanks to Valerie Greguire for the above information on iridology.

Categories Immune System, Vitamins & Minerals, Other, Liver & Gallbladder, Stress
