Your Thoughts, Emotions and Self
I’ve often asked myself, “why am I here?” and “who am I?” These questions have allowed me to go deep into my Consciousness so that I can unravel my higher Self. Recently, I read the Untethered Soul by Michael Singer, who discusses that the best way to experience our true Self is to observe our psyche, ask questions like “who am I?” and let go of the need to control the world.
Observations of thoughts—this has been the single most challenging thing I've done in my life. I can easily manipulate my thoughts so that I have a constant flow of positive energy within me. I put aside any negativity, which results in frustration because I don’t allow that energy to flow within. Being aware of this phenomenon, I allow myself to observe bitterness, anger, jealousy, and sadness, without judgment. If I can let it go, great. If not, I allow the emotion to be present until it feels the need to let go.
We’ve all experienced times in our lives when we feel mentally and emotionally blocked. As Singer would say, “it’s our psyche which causes us to struggle” because it feels the need to protect us from the world. Most times, we put up barriers to avoid people, situations, and events that would cause us pain. We feel the need to be defensive when we feel threatened or agitated. In truth, who is defensive? The ego or the higher Self? The ego seems to suffer, feel pain, sadness while the Self sits peacefully waiting for its discovery. The ego builds layers of pain preventing us from Seeing the Self. The difference between observing the world as a struggle versus as a gift is a simple change in perception. But this change of perception does not come by force. It’s a natural evolution that comes from observing your thoughts, accepting who you are, and letting go of illusions. Sometimes pain from the past that we've held onto for years will surface, which we must simply observe and let go. Sometimes, out of habit, we may relapse into the melodrama of the psyche because it is comforting.
I’ve taken the effort to “sit” with my thoughts and feelings, observing the fluctuations of the ego mind. What I learned is that in order to be Free, we must face the fears within us. Then the realization that the fear is unreal comes of its own accord. Oftentimes, we replay the tapes of the past in our minds over and over again, not realizing that they are illusions. And in order to live in the moment I had to understand the meaning behind the tapes that I was replaying. Having made peace with my thoughts and emotions and continuing that process every day, I have the Wholeness within me that allows me to see the world from a vibrant perspective.
Letting go—this process is really fun. A thought arises, I become aware, I allow it to simmer, and then let it go. I observe that with continual practice, I can let the thought go even before it takes form. Often I notice the inner stillness of my psyche as it envelops in silence. With this silence comes profound Love and Wisdom that allows me to experience Oneness with all that is.
I invite you to be aware of your thoughts and emotions. What do you need to let go? What do you need to keep? I encourage you to peel away the heavy layers surrounding your Self so that you can experience the Freedom within you.
With Love