Qi Gong, Classic
Zoom Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/8524879913?pwd=SmxhR2xCc... <-- copy to browser.
This class will draw on several classic Qigong sets — all officially recognised in 2003 by the Chinese Health Qigong Association for health maintenance. The class format will include minimal direction. Previous experience is not necessary though if brand new to this art, attendance in a Foundations Qigong class is encouraged.
The practice sets:
The format will include various taoist longevity practices to serve as warmups and end with self-massage tapping.
Important note
Qigong is not a replacement for licensed professional medical care. Do not stop taking any medications or alter any prescribed regimens without the advice of a medical doctor.

John Davis is a longtime practitioner of the Asian modalities Jin Shin Jyutsu, Qigong and the martial arts. Like other non-Western approaches to wellness, these practices and therapies take an integrative approach, seeking to balance body, mind and spirit the interconnected physical, mental and emotional systems that are present in all persons.
Davis, who has practiced Qigong and martial arts for over 35 years and Jin Shin Jyutsu for 20, has completed many hours of training including seminars and classes in Toronto and New York City. He has also studied Native American healing arts in consultation with the spiritual adviser to the Six Nations on the Tuscarora reservation.
Davis received a grant in 2019 to work with combat veterans. He was awarded the grant from the Veterans’ Advocacy Center, a national organization whose intent is to make complementary and alternative therapies available to veterans.
He is a member of the trade group Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals.