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History of Coffee Enema and Why It Works

by Michael Sutton

During WWI, Germany was blockaded by the Allies, and towards the end of the war the country experienced many shortages including pain killers, particularly morphine. The surgeons had a very difficult time at the front when trainloads of injured soldiers arrived who needed surgery and patching up. The surgeons only had enough morphine to help their patients through the surgery but had nothing to give them for post-op pain. Many of these soldiers were prescirbed water enemas for constipation.

However, there was one thing that was always on hand, and that was coffee for the surgeons and doctors who often had to work around the clock and could only stay awake by drinking coffee. Sometimes there was coffee left over in the pot, and the nurses decided to use it in the water enemas. They reasoned: "Since the coffee is doing the doctors so much good, perhaps it will help the patients too." And, indeed, the patients reported that they were getting pain relief from the coffee enemas.

After the war, intrigued by the nurses' experience, two German professors investigated the effects of introducing caffeine into the rectum of lab animals. They found that the caffeine entered the liver via the portal system and caused an increased flow of bile. This bile, in turn, allowed accumulated posons and toxins to be released and evacuated from the body.

Years later, realizing the importance of detoxification, Dr. Gerson researched and then incorporated coffee enemas into his therapy. The continued ingestion of juices and enemas throughout the day is critical for the elimination of poisonous substances from the body. As he noted, "A patient is unlikely to die from cancer, but from the toxins accumulated in the body."

Frequent coffee enemas largely eliminate the need for sedation. They also help to reduce severe pain, nausea, general nervous tension and depression. It should be noted, however, that after heavy doses of pain medication, coffee enemas do not work immedieately. Therefore, pain meds s/b continued to be used until gradually reduced or eliminated via the continued use of coffee enemas.

Q: If coffee is so beneficial, why not simply drink it?

A: Coffee taken orally goes through the stomach causing digestive problems and affecting the liver by shutting off the bile ducts. It also raises BP and often causes capillary spasms in the extremities. In other words, the gall bladder shuts down when one drinks coffee. Coffee enemas are not given to improve elimination but to stimulate the liver to release toxins. 

Q: What Does the Coffee Enema Do?

A: The coffee enema has a very specific purpose: lowering serum toxins. 

Q: Is there any scientific research to confirm the methods Dr. Gerson developed in the 1920s, specifically the coffee enema?

A: Three scientists from the Dept of Pathology at the University of Minnesota, showed that rectal coffee administration stimulates an enzyme system (glutathione S-transferase) in the liver, which is able to remove toxic free radicals from the bloodstream by increasing this enzyme 600% to 700%.

Q: Is there other evidence to support Dr. Gerson's entire Program?

A: In the late 70s, the physicist, mathematician, and biophysicist Freeman Widener Cope, MD wrote: "The high potassium , low sodium diet of the Gerson therapy has been observed experimentally to cure many cases of advanced cancer in man." In another paper, Cope wrote: in cell damage of any kind, "first the cell will lose potassium, second the cell will accept sodium, and third the cell will swell with too much water, inhibiting energy production along with protein synthesis and fat metabolism."

Robert Good, MD known as "the father of modern immunology" was surprised to see animals responding to a no protein diet much faster than the conventionally accepted method of high protein diets.

Professor Harold Foster, University of Victoria, Bristish Columbia concluded that 'spontaneous regression' (a partial or complete disappearnace of a tumor in the absence of orthodox treatment) was far from spontaneous, and were categorized as such by orthodox medicine b/c it was the result of unconventional - alternative and complementary - therapy.

Carmen Wheatley of the Orhtomolecular Oncology Group in the U.K. performed studies based on Michael Gearin-Tosh experience with mutliple myeloma in 1994.

Categories Immune System, Circulatory System & Heart Health, Aches and Pains and Remedies, Intestinal System, Cold & Flu, Health Tips, General, Cancer, Cholesterol, Liver & Gallbladder, Herbal First Aid, Dis-eases, Arthritis, Depression, Auto-Immune, Energy/Life Force/Prana, Kidney/Urinary Systems, Allergies, Anti-Inflammatory, Coffee Enemas, Constipation/Diarrhea
