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Honey, It's Not Me, It's My Liver! PMS and Your Liver

Jokes help us defuse difficult and painful situations, which is why PMS is the brunt of many jokes. It’s no fun for women or their family members, when PMS creates feelings of anger, irritability, depression, moodiness or emotional sensitivity. I know we typically blame it on hormones, but I have a new one—look at the liver.


Emotional Issues Associated With PMS and Menopause

In modern medicine it’s popular to view mood changes as being caused by biochemical imbalances. It is believed that problems with messenger chemicals like hormones and neurotransmitters create mental and emotional health problems. That’s why the most popular treatment for problems like depression, anxiety and moodiness are drugs that mimic hormones and neurotransmitters.


Tips for Cooling the Heat

Summer will be here soon, but many women going through menopause are "feeling the heat" right now. Yes, we're talking about hot flashes, the most common symptoms of menopause.


PMS and Menopausal Problems May Be Average, But They Aren't Normal

The fact that most women experience some problems with their menstrual cycle and menopause does not mean that this is normal. Like Dr. Bieler, I think that medical doctors make a big mistake in thinking that average means normal. The average person in this country is on an abysmally poor diet and has almost zero stress management skills. Therefore, the average person is not healthy and we cannot use the average person as a gauge for measuring what is normal.



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