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Are You Suffering from Sleep Debt?

Lack of sleep affects your mood and your performance. It makes it harder for you to concentrate, which means you’re not as productive at work. Sleep debt can make you irritable or depressed and otherwise affect your mood. You even age more quickly when you don’t get enough sleep.


The 'How' of Handstands

“I tell my....students that it takes more than yoga to keep a yogi healthy,” said Michelle. “It’s going to take perseverance too.”


Movies - about Food, Soil, Environment, Health, Conglomerates, etc

We will be hosting movie nights beginning in the Fall


The Science of Meditation

The benefits of meditation are now documented in this study. Amazing. Read it!


Pancreatic Cancer: Chemo and The Carrot Juice Program

So the prognosis, what the medical profession says will happen with their treatment, is that your husband will most likely be dead in less than six months, if not three months. Even if he survives their treatment, his long-term prognosis, “chances of survival” for five years is less than 5%. The lowest of almost any cancer. Of the 30,000 people medical doctors treat with this disease every year, over 29,500 die.


Positive Healing Affirmations

Many people think that life just happens to them, that they have no control over their future. They believe that it is all in God’s hands, or that “Shit Happens”, or that they fluctuate between having Good Luck and Bad Luck, or between being blessed and being cursed. I don’t!



Anti-Viral (3)
Environment (1)
General (5)
Illness (1)
Juices (1)
Pharmaceutical (1)
Yoga (1)
7 Day Cleanse (7)
Aches and Pains and Remedies (9)
Acid vs Alkaline (4)
ADHD (1)
Adrenals (5)
Allergies (7)
Alzheimers & Dementia (2)
Amino Acids (1)
Anger (2)
Anti-Anxiety (1)
Anti-Bacterial (3)
Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Viral (4)
Anti-Depressant (1)
Anti-Inflammatory (6)
Antioxidants (13)
Arthritis (7)
Attitude, Outlook, Thought (6)
Auto-Immune (10)
Ayurvedic Medicine (5)
Big Pharma (1)
Blog, Aneela (7)
Blog, Michael's  (1)
Brain Health (6)
Cancer (9)
Candidda Albicanus - Yeast Overgrowth (3)
Cannabinoid (1)
Cannabis (1)
Carbohydrates (2)
cat3 (1)
CBD (1)
Chemicals (1)
Children (2)
Cholesterol (8)
Circulatory System & Heart Health (9)
Coffee Enemas (3)
Cold & Flu (12)
Consciousness (1)
Constipation/Diarrhea (5)
COVID-19 (2)
Death (2)
Deceit (1)
Depression (9)
Diabetes (2)
Digestive System (16)
Dis-eases (12)
Disease Causing (2)
DNA (1)
Dr. Schulze (10)
Drugs (2)
Drugs, Pharmaceutical (6)
Ego (2)
Emotions (1)
Endocrine (Glandular) System (5)
Endometriosis (1)
Energy/Life Force/Prana (10)
Enthusiasm (1)
Environment (2)
Essential Fatty Acids (2)
Estrogen (1)
Eyes (2)
FDA (3)
Fear (2)
Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue (2)
Fitness (1)
Food & Products (65)
Foods (1)
Genes (1)
Genteic Code (1)
GMO's (6)
Hair (1)
health (1)
Health Tips (1)
Health Tips (6)
Health Tips, General (22)
Healthy Eating (49)
healthy tips (1)
Heart Coherence (1)
Heart Health (1)
Heart Intelligence (1)
Herbal First Aid (6)
Herbs (34)
Hoax (1)
Holistic Education (9)
Hormones (6)
Illusion (1)
Immune System (51)
Intestinal System (11)
Iridology (2)
Kidney/Urinary Systems (9)
Kinesiology (1)
Lies (1)
Liver (1)
Liver & Gallbladder (15)
Love (2)
Lymph System (1)
Massage (1)
Meditation (8)
Mediterranean Voyages (1)
Men's Health (1)
Mind Consciousness (1)
Movies (1)
Nervous System (2)
Neurotransmitters (2)
Newletters (2)
Newsletters (2)
Nutrition (1)
Other (8)
Parasites, Worms (3)
Peace (1)
Pets (1)
PMS and Menopause (4)
Pregnancy (1)
Radiation (2)
Realizations (1)
Recipes (1)
Recipes, Juices (27)
Recipes, Nut Milks (1)
Recipes, Smoothies (8)
Recipes, Soups (1)
Reproductive System (2)
Respiratory System (5)
RNA (1)
RNA Retroviruses (1)
Sickness (2)
Silver (2)
Sleep (6)
Solar Power (1)
Spirit (1)
Stress (11)
Stress Free (1)
Structural System (3)
Success (2)
Sugars (6)
Swine Flu (5)
TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) (4)
THC (1)
Thyroid (5)
Understanding (1)
Vaccines (2)
Vaccines and Vaccinations (7)
viru (1)
Viruses (1)
Vitamins & Minerals (19)
Vomiting (2)
Water (6)
Weight (2)
Wind Energy (2)
Wisdom Warriors (1)
Women's Health (6)
Wrong (1)
Yoga (15)
Yoga Challenges (3)